Friday, February 26, 2010

1 and a quarter

Everyone has told me that once you run your first mile then it gets easier... the first is the hardest.  I was talking to my brother Zach about this and he said for him a mile and a quarter is hard.  Once he hits 1.25 miles the run starts to get easier.
This week in my "couch potato" program I am to run 2.5 miles 4-6 times.  Today I did that.  I ran at the gym again (ugh) because of the neighborhood boonie dogs I mentioned in the previous post.  I was starting to feel like I just wanted to quit and when I looked at my distance (I keep that number covered up by a People magazine) it said 1.26.  I decided not to quit and to see if Zach and I have the same "magic" number.  I pushed through it and honestly the rest of the run felt like a breeze!  When I finally looked down again at the distance it read 2.61!!!! And... I could have kept running easily!  I got off the treadmill, got some water, and drove home feeling proud of my achievement.  I know my number... 1 and a quarter.  If I can just get to that point and then push on I'll be golden!  I just hope this still rings true at my relay race!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Boonie Dogs

So the cute little guy above seems harmless right?  For the most part he is.  That is a picture of what 90% of the Boonie Dogs on Guam look like.  Bonnie Dogs are the strays of Guam.  Well I shouldn't say that because many people adopt them to be gaurd dogs.  They are the dogs that roam freely, breeding with whatever is in heat, and then nipping at the ankles and scaring the crap out of Guam runners.  
We have a house down the street from ours (about 75% of the way into my runs) and there are 13... YES 13... boonie dogs that hang there!  Most BD's you can yell at and intimidate as you run and they will back off and bark from a distance.  But many of them are very vicious and violent!  The 13 dog house has several that if they weren't behind a fence they would eat my intestines out of my body.  I get so bored running on a treadmill and I feel like it isn't as good of exercise because there are no hills, but I'm not willing to risk my ankles and shoes!
So I continue to drive the 2.5 miles to the gym to get myself on the treadmill just to avoid those dang mutts!
Today I hate the BOONIE DOG! 
Oh yeah - 9 more days until my race!  I'm scared but also starting to get excited.  They other day my program (couch potato to 10K) said that I was to run 2.25 mile.  I normally am counting every tenth of a mile wanting to die the entire time.  But this time I was on the treadmill and I looked down at my distance and I was 2.24 and I had no idea!  I could've gone further for sure! 

Friday, February 19, 2010

Half Marathon

I think the last time I ran a relay race was when I was in 5th grade, it was field day, and we passed wooden batons to our homeroom classmates.  Not only was that FOREVER ago, but I HATED field day!  I would  get nervous about it at least a week in advance.  The only race I liked was the three-legged race; because you had a partner and you couldn't be blamed alone for your failure.
Once again I'll be running a relay race!  I doubt I'll have a decorated shirt that all my teammates sign at the end; and I don't think anyone will be handing out Blue Bell ice cream sandwiches when we are done (although that would make me run a little faster).  The race is on March 6th and I'm already really nervous! Mostly because I've never done this... is there a wooden baton?  I have no idea what to expect!  All I know is my portion of the race is 3.5 miles.  Kelly will run 3.5 first, then it is my turn, then our friend Erin will run 6.1 - boy am I glad I'm not her!  I'm glad Kel is going first because I don't want to "take off" with the rest of the pack.  I don't want to see every one fly by me right at the start.  At least going 2nd I won;t be running in a huge pack of people.  
Our friend Erin has done races before.  She does triathlons, Iron Man's, and other stuff.   I have tried to tell her over and over to not expect anything big from me.  I keep saying "I hope you aren't trying to win, place, or make a certain time."  She keeps reassuring me that it is fine, she just wants to participate and prepare for future races.  Sooooo I'm number 2 on our three man team.
We are trying to figure out a team name.  Our last name is MonSON, my maiden name is AnderSON, and Erin's last name is JohnSON.   We are thinking of something that will got with the fact that we have SON on the end of our names.  If you guys have anything you can think of then let me know!
I'm nervous!  I need to go scope out my portion of the race so I know what to expect.  I'm pretty sure it is close to the Air Force base and there aren't a whole lot of hills on the north end of the island, so that will at least help.
Rather than typing about this, I should be out practicing!  It is overcast today and I should take advantage of the cooler temperature.  Yes yes it is about 79 degrees out and I sometimes feel like I should run with a sweatshirt!  Pathetic!
Wish me luck and calm nerves!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Non-non-athelte

I have never liked sports.  Well I take that back, I like watching most sports, I just have always hated playing them.  I was scared of any sport where there were flying, rolling, balls, bats, mitts, goals, baskets, sticks, pucks, weird shoes... you get the idea.  I am also not competitive when it comes to sports.  When I watch a team I like, the Rockets for example, I love to talk trash and I get emotionally connected to the game and the players.  I also have had many family members and close friends who have excelled in sports and I have obviously loved seeing them excel and have success.  But when it comes to me and sports, I HATE THEM!
I'm not naturally coordinated.  I have horrific balance.  I get really insecure when I know people are watching me do something.  I think that is why I loved theater; the stage was bright but the audience hidden in the dark.  I couldn't see anyone looking at me.  I did trip really bad on stage, but in theater you are a character, you can make up a reaction that would make it seem on-purpose.
Growing up I was surrounded by cousins and siblings who were all natural athletes.  My sister who is five years my junior rode her bike without training wheels before I did!  Even as I type that I blush with embarrassment!  I was always afraid to try anything because of my weaknesses and fears.  It was frusterating to see things come so naturally to others while I really struggled.  It was always the joke that "Alyson never breaks a sweat!" or "Alyson BUCK UP!  Just try it!"  I didn't really feel the need to prove anyone differently so I just accepted my role as the girl who was afraid of everything and not capable of much.
As I've gotten older and had the opportunity to travel and have new experiences I have realized that I'm not completely pathetic!  I challenged myself and became SCUBA certified!  I have had the opportunity to hike in the jungles of Indonesia and spend all day walking ancient and modern cities of the Orient.  In doing these things I have realized that I won't fall over dead from exerting myself!!  That may sound funny to some people, but there was a time in my life that I really thought I just couldn't do these things.  And if I couldn't do them then I obviously wouldn't like them.
I have become more confident in myself and more willing to push my own limits.  I still don't really want to run out into the middle of a soccer game and play, I'm still very insecure when it comes to my natural coordination, or lack thereof!  But I have much greater respect for my body.  I discovered that I like working out!  I love the feeling of pushing myself until I'm so sore the next day I can't move!  I love doing something that 10 years ago I would've thought impossible!  I started taking a class at a gym that really changed me.  The first time I did the class I completed it, but I spent the next 3 days in miserable pain!  But I kept going.  My baby weight flew off and I suddenly could see muscle definition on my legs and arms (sadly not my stomach though).  I loved the feeling of mastering one of the workouts, or being able to try the more advanced position.  I was getting stronger physically and emotionally!
As we entered 2010 I started to think about what I wanted as a goal this year.  I wanted it to be challenging and something that would be a real change for me and not just a onetime achievement.  I decided that I would teach myself to love running!  And to prove that I loved it I would run a 10K.
Not only have I always hated playing sports, but I have always HATED running!!!!!  I can't even begin to describe the hatred that I have had for running!  I watch or hear about people running and I just want to die!  Everytime Kelly would go running I would just think how miserable!  Who would want to do that?  HOW BORING!!!!!!!!
My friend had told me about a program she found called Couch Potato to 5K in 7 Weeks.  I looked it up online and found the same thing but for a 10K in 10 weeks.  I figured that if I could complete a 10K then I have really trained myself to run.  I would think most people, especially me, could push themself to complete a 5K, but then quit running forever the next day. So the goal... 10K... and then for sure I would be a runner!
I'm now in week 4.  Week 1 was so easy I thought I was wasting my time.  The next week was considerably more difficult, and each week has gotten more and more challenging.  
I have to admit I look forward to my runs.  I don't get excited and think it is going to be the time of my life or anything.  But I get excited thinking "how am I going to feel after this one? at what point will I feel like quitting?"  Those may sound like negative thoughts, but for me they are exciting!  I never in a million years would have thought that I could run two miles!  But I have done it!  And I didn't need to be resuscitated at the end!
I am writing this blog to hold myself accountable.  The runs are getting harder.  I don't want to give up yet, but I do see that in the future I could want to quit.  If I put this out there and update on my status then I will be less likely to quit.  I know tons of people won't be stopping by to read this pathetic girls blog all the time, but just knowing that someone can read it does give me motivation to not give up.
I've always been the non-athlete.  But I have to say I'm rounding the corner into non-non-athlete.  I don't know if I'll ever call myself an athlete, but I hope to call myself a runner.  Well a runner would probably say that they love running.  So maybe I'll just be "Someone Who Runs".  That is good enough for me.
p.s. I have agreed to run in a half-marathon relay race on March 6th!  I'm shaken in my shorts about that one!